Cessna 421C
The Cessna 421 C is a single-seat, twin-engine aircraft with a self-contained pressurized cabin, designed for commercial purposes and transferring up to seven passengers or cargo. For your convenience, the seatbacks are adjustable to any desired comfortable position. You have fold-out tables. While you work on your computer, you can charge any of your devices from the built-in 220V outlets. For longer trips, you will appreciate the modern flush toilet. At extra request, our flight attendant will prepare hot snacks, including fresh coffee, during the flight. The aircraft is capable of flying day and night under IFR (instrument flight rules). Thanks to a reduction drive, two Continental GTSIO-520 engines give the aircraft more than 900 horsepowers on the propeller shafts. The aircraft ceiling is 9,205 m (30,200 ft). The maximum speed is 444 km / hour (240 kts).
Security Bonus
Improve your flight security by flying with us from smaller, nonpublic airports. There are close to 200 small airports across Czech Republic and Slovakia!
General characteristics
- crew 2 pilots
- capacity 5 + 1 passengers
- maximum speed of 444 km / hour (240 kts)
- cruising speed of 407 km / hour (220 kts)
- over 900 horsepowers from both engines to the propeller shafts
- length of plane 11.09 m
- wingspan of plane 12.53 m
- height of plane 3.94 m
- wing area of 19.97 m²
- empty weight 2,041 kg
- maximum takeoff weight of the plane 3,379 kg
Map of destinations